STANLEY L. LARSON HC 64 BOX 155-10, BRIDGELAND, UT 84021 O: 435.646.3554 M: 435.823.2598 Executive Statement Precis The most pressing problem we have today is global wipe out. Florida, as well as New York, will soon be underwater with the rising oceans, while California and other areas suffer from drought. Solutions We believe we can avoid global wipe out and end global warming by organizing physics, and making gravity work for us. What an idea, making gravity work for us, while in the process creating unlimited hydro-power for the world! We will create a man made ecosystem where we transport water to where it is needed in the quantity needed. We will be using a new design from an old method. We will remove water from the ocean, and send it to the dry, drought areas for agriculture and farming. Budget We need funding. The budget for this maybe like building an interstate freeway; the cost for this should not be the issue, but the benefits received.

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Stan Larson Enterprises

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